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Quote Form for Your Co-op Energy

Your Requirements
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Your Details

Let’s see how much you could save...

Question 1 of 4

What’s your location?

Question 2 of 4

What energy do you need?

Choose your energy
Question 3 of 4

Do you have an Economy 7 Meter?

If you’re not sure, choose no
Question 4 of 4

How much energy do you use per year?

Typically, low consumption homes are:
  • Smaller (1-2 bedrooms)
  • Regularly empty on weekdays
  • Newer (1970+)
Approximate usage for a low household:
  • 1800 kWh of electricity Edit
  • 1276 kWh of electricity (day) Edit
  • 924 kWh of electricity (night) Edit
  • 7500 kWh of gas Edit
Typically, medium consumption homes are:
  • Have around 3 bedrooms
  • Have 3-5 occupants
  • May have people at home during the day
Approximate usage for a medium household:
  • 2700 kWh of electricity Edit
  • 2262 kWh of electricity (day) Edit
  • 1638 kWh of electricity (night) Edit
  • 11500 kWh of gas Edit
Typically, high consumption homes are:
  • Are larger (4 or more bedrooms)
  • May be older (pre 1970s)
  • Need a lot of heating
Approximate usage for a high household:
  • 4100 kWh of electricity Edit
  • 3836 kWh of electricity (day) Edit
  • 2814 kWh of electricity (night) Edit
  • 17000 kWh of gas Edit
Good to know

The Flexible estimate is based on our prices from January 1. If you'd like to compare our current rates, you'll find them here.